Sustainable development is one of the four main pillars of the Socomec Group's purchasing policy. Favouring responsible and committed suppliers and the use of eco-responsible raw materials is therefore one of the Group's strategic objectives.

The "Code of Conduct"

Each new supplier has to sign the Socomec "Code of Conduct". The supplier undertakes to respect Socomec's corporate principles: transparency, working conditions, human rights, environmental protection, sustainable purchasing and fair and equitable business practices.


Download the code of conduct

Supplier Relations Charter

Since 2016, Socomec has gone further in its relationships with its suppliers. The Group is a signatory of the "Charter for Responsible Supplier Relations".

Drawn up jointly by the the French Credit Mediation Office and the National Procurement Council (CDAF), it encourages corporate contractors to implement a progress procedure with regard to their suppliers, especially small and medium-sized enterprises. Socomec applies these good practices and assumes its responsibility with its suppliers within a framework of mutual trust and respect.

Continuous assessment of suppliers

In addition to these two documents, Socomec assesses its suppliers in various areas such as human resources, social responsibility, respect for human rights and environmental commitments.

The Business Partner Integrity platform also monitors all the Group's strategic partners to prevent any discriminatory practices. A procedure has been established to monitor these assessments and to deal with cases where the supplier is found to be non-compliant.

Responsible mineral procurement policy

Socomec does not purchase minerals directly from mines or smelters. Nevertheless, in compliance with legislation and human rights and in accordance with the expectations of our customers, the Group requires its direct suppliers to comply with existing regulations and to provide all necessary declarations. In the same way, Socomec requires its suppliers to source from responsible suppliers who themselves have a policy of not purchasing minerals from conflict zones.


Through its commitment to sustainable purchasing, Socomec meets sustainable development objectives N°8 and N°12

Socomec is committed to answer to the following sustainable development goals: Decent work and economic growth and Responsible consumption and production
Socomec Group human rights policy
Socomec Group is committed to closely managing compliance in terms of human rights, across its own locations as well as throughout its supply chain.

Find out more about sustainable development at Socomec

Sustainable Development Policy
A responsible and socially inclusive Group committed to sustainable growth
Commitment to the ecological transition
Socomec attaches great importance to the notion of sustainability
Reducing the environmental impact of our products
Eco-design and energy efficiency of products