ACT 360: Acting every day for a sustainable future
Faced with the challenges of climate change, dwindling natural resources and growing inequalities, SOCOMEC is reaffirming its social and environmental commitment. This commitment is embodied in the ACT 360 program.
It guides every one of our actions and decisions, integrating sustainable development at the heart of our strategy. Our ambition is simple, but powerful: to be where energy matters, while protecting the environment and strengthening social ties. We firmly believe in the need to act every day, across all our activities and throughout our value chain.
By combining performance, responsibility and innovation, ACT 360 structures our actions for a 360° impact: environmental, social and economic..
Driving our actions through three strategic pillars: employee well-being, environmental preservation, and responsible partnerships.
Supporting our clients' energy transition across six market segments by optimizing their energy management and promoting the development of renewable energy sources.
Our goal? To strive for greater energy efficiency and contribute to carbon neutrality.
Sustainable Development Policy Sustainable Development Report
A long-standing commitment
"A company's performance is measured not only by its financial success, but also and above all by its positive impact on society and the environment. This vision guides our every action and decision, and anchors sustainable development at the heart of our strategy."
We have been a signatory of the Global Compact since 2003. Signing the Global Compact is a voluntary process, and SOCOMEC is proud to be one of the pioneering companies in this area.
A common objective behind this partnership: to be a responsible player in the social and ecological transition.
Within this framework, SOCOMEC is committed to 10 Sustainable Development Goals, among the 17 set by the United Nations for 2030.
A commitment assessed and audited
SOCOMEC has been recognized for its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach by the EcoVadis rating agency, which specializes in CSR.
With a score of 75/100, our Group has been awarded Gold status for 2023.
And ranks in the top 4% of the 130,000 companies evaluated by the agency.
This assessment is carried out annually and requires continuous improvement to maintain its results.
Since 2014, it has enabled SOCOMEC to identify its areas of progress and implement appropriate action plans, as part of a continuous improvement approach. It reflects the Group's commitment to social responsibility and the structuring of its Sustainable Development strategy.
Efficient governance and committed bodies