"A perfect power supply would be one that is always available, always within voltage and frequency tolerances, and has a pure noise free sinusoidal wave shape. Just how much deviation from perfection can be tolerated depends on the users application, the type of equipment installed and his view of his requirements"
(Chapman, 2001)

As practical consequence the Power Availability is directly related to the quality of the power supply and the tolerance of the load. For critical application the power supply coming from utility grid will not be able to reach the requirements to ensure the service continuity. 
The usage of Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) can be a way to improve the power quality and availability.

Static Transfer Systems (STS) is another/complementary means to improve the power availability and installation flexibility. 

In this paper we will focus on the impact of the usage of STS and more especially Statys on the power supply availability and how it can improve installation flexibility and maintainability.