There is real impetus behind the energy transition from a combination of factors including rising energy prices, the need to reduce CO2 emissions and the drive towards electric vehicle (EV) charging, making the management and maximisation of energy capacity a burning topic in these uniquely challenging times.
Join us to ensure that you’re maximising the potential from your facility and reducing energy costs as far as possible.
Register once to receive links for all 3 days.
From 9.30am to 10.15am each morning.
Tuesday 26th September
How to understand your power consumption & energy losses.
Wednesday 27th September
Re invoicing your energy for AC and DC systems & to be MID compliant.
Thursday 28th September
Managing & harnessing your renewable energy to optimise energy consumption & production.
Your presenters
Dr Richard Govier Technical Director Socomec UK
Michael Lonsdale UK Sales Power Switching & Monitoring
Chris Ward Business Development Energy Storage